Case Study – Aston Martin F1 x Platform

How Aston Martin F1 increased the profitability of their online store by 8% within 3 months by using the Optsi platform.

Platform are an innovative sports retail, ecommerce, licensing and merchandise business, working with sports organisations, teams, rights holders and events to create exceptional retail experiences for spectators and fans.

The Challenges

Platform’s commercial, marketing, and merchandising teams were spending hours pulling data from multiple platforms (including Shopify, Meta, Google Ads and GA 4) in preparation for weekly business updates. This was an inefficient and ineffective process and was slowing down business growth potential.

“We wanted to continue to grow the Aston Martin F1 Online store but with profitable returns, and our reporting wasn’t adequate to know where we stood and what areas we could grow to achieve the desired results.” - Tom, Platform COO

The Solution

Platform needed a solution that could bring together all Aston Martins store’s marketing, channel, and product cost data into one place. By partnering with Optsi, they were able to integrate all their Shopify, Meta and GA4 data into a single reporting tool, allowing them to analyse marketing and product profitability in a quicker, smarter, and more effective manner.

The Results

Optsi has become the single source of truth for Aston Martin’s store and marketing performance. By increasing efficiency, marketing teams have been able to spend more time optimizing the marketing campaigns. Finance and Product teams have also used the product insights to gain a greater understanding of margins and performance. This has led to some crucial results within the first 3 months:

"Optsi allows teams to work collaboratively on monitoring daily performance across out marketing and product areas. Using Optsi has allowed all business areas to use the same data source which has been imperative to our internal meetings. We’re now able to keep watch on all aspects of our business in one place."

Thomas Paul
COO, Platform

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