Navigating Your Brand’s Data Maturity Journey: A Guide To Success

The importance of data is not lost of many business owners and strategists.

However different organisations find themselves at different stages of data maturity. What is clear however, is that brands who focus on data-driven insights and strategies often find those marginal competitive advantages in order to stay ahead. Amazon, often viewed as the paragon for a data-led brand, recently claimed that 35% or more of its total sales are generated from data-driven insights.

Nevertheless, even enterprise sized brands can find themselves at the wrong end of the spectrum, having grown organically or through their own “tried and tested” approaches to marketing and sales. These businesses may soon reach saturation without finding ways to become more data-centric.

In this article we’ll explore the different stages of data maturity, and how by utilising a platform like Optsi, e-commerce brands can move through the stages and take a more data-led approach to their strategy.

The Stages of Data Maturity

data maturity stages

Source: Google

1. Data Challenged

The first step on the road to recovery is recognising that you have a problem to begin with. Some of the symptoms of being a Data Novice brand include;

These symptoms aren’t unique to a single type of business. Many global, multi-million dollar brands are data-challenged, as their growth has been driven by “what’s worked in the past”, or is built off old software that isn’t up to today’s standards.

Equally, many scaling brands have invested their money in either marketing or product without the need for data, but as teams expand and costs rise, the need for a coherent data strategy becomes more apparent.

The Optsi Solution: Alignment

optsi data maturity stage alignment

The first step any Data Challenged brand needs to make is to align their data into a single source of truth. This sounds complex, but is easier than it sounds.

2. Data Conscious

You have your data aligned, and you could well be using third-party dashboards to pull some reports on your business performance (i.e. sales, returns, marketing spend etc). You also understand the importance of data, but you now need it to extract it’s value for the good of your strategy.

If your data just sits there, then it adds little-to-no value. If your solution isn’t cost effective, it becomes a burden and can be the first thing to go if the business looks to cut costs. You’re then right back at the beginning.

To get the most out of your data solution and move your brand to the next level, it needs to be effective across different areas of the business (from ecommerce, marketing and purchasing), as well as being easily relatable at management and executive level for a buy-in at every level.

The Optsi Solution: Data Visualisation

optsi data maturity stage data visualisation

Now you have your platforms synced to Optsi, it’s time to start utilising the reports to make more informed decisions across the business. The Optsi platform provides in-depth insights that can help drive a brand’s strategy, and move them forward to the next level of their data maturity.

optsi home dashboard

By using the Optsi platform to regularly and succinctly report on these key metrics allows for you to get buy-in across the business and at every level, and begin to make more informed, data-decisions.

3. Data Guided

You now understand and are utilising the data you have at your disposal, and what is more, the company buys into data being a strategic asset. As a Data Guided company, you’ll be able to extract insights and value from their data, for instance;

You’ll be making incremental gains, however if you want to move on and be a fully Data-Centric brand, you need to be using your data to identify and drive significant optimisations across the business.

The Optsi Solution: Optimisation & Strategic Growth

optsi data maturity stage optimisation & strategic growth

Using the insights from your marketing and platform data, e-commerce brands can use Optsi’s Correlation Analyser to full interpret which marketing channels are having the greatest impact on sales and web sessions. This tool will allow you to make more informed, data-driven optimisations on your marketing strategy, ultimately boosting and improving key metrics such as ROAS, CAC and MER.

optsi correlation optimiser screen

We’ve highlighted the pros and cons of different marketing measurement / attribution models before, and it’s our belief that correlation analysis is the most cost-effective and privacy friendly solution for e-commerce brands, certainly for those on the beginning of their journey or on a lower budget.

4. Data Driven

So now your data is aligned, your business is bought in at every-level on it’s strategic importance, and it’s now core to driving business strategy and optimisations. Congratulations, you are now a Data-Centric brand! Amazon would be proud (we assume).

Now it’s a case of continuously evolving with new ways of thinking. For instance, can Machine Learning or AI enhance my data? What new insights can be derived from the data we have, or what new data can we obtain to help us make even greater optimisations?

These are questions the Optsi team ask ourselves daily, and are striving to make these available to our customers!


Going through the Data Maturity process can be daunting, whether it’s down to lack of resources or understanding.

At Optsi, we’re here to help brands through this journey - regardless of their current set-up and without the need to invest heavily in internal data analysts or data scientists.

optsi maturity solutions

Just starting out but want to be a data-led brand? Optsi can help align all your data in a cost-effective manner that gives you a full-view of your business performance.

Growing brand but has disregarded data and reporting in favour of product or “what’s always worked”? Optsi can bring everything together, and provide the tools and insights needed to become more data-focused.

You have a view of data, but can’t make it work for your business? Optsi can help identify trends across your organisation, from store performance, to marketing efficiencies and inventory analysis, to help you understand not only “what” has happened, but also “why”.

You have visibility of your data, but your marketing strategy has been led by platform metrics or cookie-based attribution and is now redundant and you’re struggling to optimise? Optsi can provide a clear view of marketing performance at a channel, tactic and ad set level, helping you understand the real performance of your media and where to optimise.

We’d love to talk to you to discuss how Optsi can help you on your journey into becoming a more data led brand.

To book some time with our team, please get it touch! Book some time with Optsi!

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